Always and Forever

Theme and Variations is a stop motion animation that features music by Olivier Messiaen.

Always and Forever

Duration 3 minutes 32 seconds

Animation by Yuliya Lanina
Music and sound design by Nina Young

In “Always and Forever” we see the journey of a young kitten, Lanina’s alter ego, who must decide if it's safe to follow the high-heeled spider into another dimension – will it hurt or heal? The piece is set on a stage -- under the skirt of the Wise Tigress. She invites us inside of her body to witness the story of her past that haunts her present. The story of trickery, betrayal and oblivion.

The piece addresses how our bodies carry stories of our past, how our past is always present in our bodies if we choose to open the curtains.

This project is supported in part by Cultural Arts Division of the City of Austin Economic Development Department.

Installation version (3 projectors, loop)